Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA virus that infects the epidermal and mucosal tissues of the body.
It has more than 100 types, which can be categorized into low-risk and high-risk types, and is one of the most important infectious agents for both men and women.
HPV infection pathway?
1. HPV is mainly transmitted through sexual contact.
2. Many HPV viruses are also found in the daily environment, such as the flush button in female toilets and the door handle in male toilets.
What diseases are caused by HPV infection?
Research data shows that both men and women have about an 80% chance of contracting HPV in their lifetime!
HPV infections usually have no visible symptoms, and 90% of HPV infections disappear within a year. HPV infections that do not disappear for more than a year are called persistent infections, and in severe cases, may lead to cancer.
What is the association between HPV and cervical cancer?
Studies have shown that more than 90% of cervical cancers are caused by persistent infection with highly carcinogenic HPV!
How to prevent HPV?
1. safe sex and single-sex couples.
2. Good lifestyle and adequate nutrition.
3. HPV 9-valent vaccine.
Who should receive HPV 9-valent vaccine?
Available for men and women aged 9-45.
1. Two doses are recommended for ages 9 to 14 years, with a 6-month interval between the first and second dose.
2. Three doses are recommended for 15-45 years old, with 2 months between the first and second dose and 6 months between the third dose.
What are the possible side effects of HPV vaccination?
1. Common side effects - injection site pain, swelling, redness, itching, fever, headache, nausea, dizziness, etc.
2. rare side effects - diarrhea, rash, hives, joint pain, fainting, etc.
Can I leave the vaccination site immediately after receiving the HPV vaccine?
No! You should not leave the HPV vaccination site right away. You should stay at least 30 minutes to observe any side effects that need to be treated immediately after the vaccination.
What should I do if I experience symptoms after receiving the HPV vaccine?
If you experience any symptoms or serious or unintended side effects after vaccination, go to a medical facility as soon as possible and inform your doctor of your vaccination history.