ILIB Helium-Neon I.V. Laser

"To Terry" helium-neon laser.
"Taiex" HE-NE Laser
Department of Health, Medical Device Transmission No. 000774

ILIB Helium Neon I.V. Laser is a gentle health maintenance type of laser that uses fiber optic vein injections to deliver low energy laser light into blood vessels and act on red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

Aging blood vessels are the root cause of all diseases

Vascular age aging 10 years old, the disease rate increased by 15%, blood vessels begin to age at 25 years old, 45-50 years old blood vessels accumulated clogging to 50%, the waste in the blood vessels will continue to accumulate with age.

Unhealthy lifestyle, sophisticated diet, environmental pollution, etc. accelerate the aging of blood vessels, resulting in low oxygen content of blood, dysautonomia, blood thickening, thrombosis and other diseases.

Possible adverse effects of aging blood vessels

Large and small blood vessels are distributed in all organs of the body, unhealthy blood vessels, may lead to systemic symptoms, such as poor skin texture, poor metabolism, easy to fatigue and so on.
In severe cases, this may lead to irreversible chronic disease requiring long-term medication to control the condition.

Research and Development of Helium-Neon Intravenous Laser

1950 - Medical research begins on the use of helium-neon gases in medicine.
1981 - Scientists used laser light to penetrate blood vessels as a post-surgical treatment.
1993 - Helium-neon laser was introduced to Taiwan's medical community and further developed.
1999 - Certified by the Ministry of Health and Welfare for use in major hospitals for wound repair and care, as well as adjunctive treatment for patients with high blood lipids, high blood sugar, and diabetes.
2007 - Continuous research in more than 90 medical centers in Germany and the European Union, hundreds of thousands of people have proved the efficacy of the medical profession is known as the "light of life".

Optimal absorption spectrum of blood vessels - 632.8nm

Helium-neon laser light 632.8 nm fiber optic needle guide irradiation of the blood in the vein, the blood cells of the granular glands, where the blood cells and antibodies will absorb the energy of the laser light and become active, the treatment time of 60 minutes, the whole body can be irradiated for 6 to 7 cycles, which is the same as the whole body of the blood purification for 6 to 7 times.

Effect of He-Ne I.V. Laser on Blood Cells

Red Blood Cells - Increase oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin, improve blood circulation, improve microcirculation.

White Blood Cells - Maintains standard white blood cell count, regulates immunity, and strengthens resistance.

Platelets - Improve blood concentration, consistency and blood flow.

HeNe I.V. Frequency

  Active Program - 5 consecutive days, 1 session per day for 2 weeks

  General program - 2 sessions per week, completed in 6 weeks

  Maintenance program - 1 time per week, continuous maintenance

Q & A

ILIB's HeNe laser treatment is like an IV drip, where a fiberoptic needle is injected into the hand and a low energy HeNe laser is injected into the hand. The medical equipment used in the clinic is registered and approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, which is both high quality and safe, so the fiberoptic needles used for the Helium-Neon laser treatment do not injure blood vessels, and the low energy red light emitted does not injure the blood vessels either.

ILIB helium-neon vein lasers are biostimulating lasers that enhance the body's ability to repair itself after exposure, unlike the biologically destructive lasers used in medical procedures such as incisions or cauterization, and therefore have no side effects.

ILIB Helium Neon I.V. treatment is usually 10 times, each time is usually 60 minutes, the first three to four times is best to be treated once a day, and the subsequent times are best to be treated every day or two days or at most not more than three days, otherwise the effect will be diminished!
The most economical and effective treatment is 10 times, half a treatment is usually unable to achieve the expected results! Because the human body is stimulated, within a certain period of time will produce biological effect, before the repair is completed, and then give a second stimulation, biological energy has a cumulative effect, if the repair is completed and then give a stimulation has no cumulative effect, so it is recommended that the treatment program within 10 days of continuous treatment.

When you suffer from soreness and pain, it means that the blood circulation is poor, due to the current life style can not be changed resulting in the aging of blood vessels, ILIB helium-neon laser can strengthen blood vessels, metabolizing impurities in the blood vessels, and then with a massage to accelerate the metabolism of impurities discharged, the effect will be even more multiplied, and the blood circulation is improved, the person will naturally be more relaxed.

Pre- and Post-operative Precautions

Pre-operative Note
  • 01This treatment is not recommended for those who are pregnant, undergoing treatment for cancer, allergic to phototherapy, have blood clotting disorders, are taking anticoagulant medications, or are cardiac pacemakers.
  • 02Please inform your doctor in detail before treating fever, inflammation or any other medical condition.
  • 03This treatment can be done during the physiological period.
  • 04Please do not fast before the treatment to avoid discomfort due to low blood sugar, and do not drink a lot of water to avoid going to the toilet during the treatment.
Post-Operative Attention
  • 01Unlike normal high energy destructive lasers, HeNe laser has virtually no side effects and no recovery period. After each treatment, please drink 500 c.c. or more of warm boiled water to promote circulation and metabolism.
  • 02A small number of people may have different reactions depending on their body type, such as: short periods of high spirits and not wanting to sleep, or short periods of dizziness, lethargy, dry mouth, irritable tongue, rapid heartbeat, etc., so please rest and drink plenty of water.
  • 03Nutritional drops can be used before and after the treatment for better results.
  • 04There is no recovery period and you can maintain a normal life after the treatment is completed.
  • 05Eat a balanced diet and do not overdo it. Eat more green leafy vegetables and fruits.
  • 06Take regular walks and exercise, go to bed early and get up early, don't stay up late.
  • 07After the treatment, it can be combined with a full-body massage to promote metabolism.
  • 08The course of treatment is phased, with 10 treatments in one session. To achieve results, please work with a regular treatment schedule of once every 2-3 days, or twice a week.
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